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¹®¸ÆÁ¶¿µ CT¿¡¼­ °£ Á¦ 4ºÐ¿± ÈĹ濡 À§Ä¡ÇÏ´Â °¡Â¥º´º¯¿¡ °üÇÑ °íÂû Pseudolesion in Segment ¥³ of the Liver on CT Arterial Portography

´ëÇѹæ»ç¼±ÀÇÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 38±Ç 2È£ p.279 ~ 283
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30.8%(12/39), Ÿ¿øÇü 23.1%(9/39) ¹× ¹Ý´Þ¸ð¾ç 5.1%(2/39)·Î ¹®¸ÆÁ¶¿µ CT¿¡¼­ °¡Â¥º´º¯ÀÇ
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CT´Â 13¿¹ (48.2%)¿¡¼­ °íÀ½¿µÀ» º¸¿´°í, 12¿¹ (44.4%)´Â µîÀ½¿µ, 2¿¹ (7.4%)´Â ÀúÀ½¿µÀÇ
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°á ·Ð : ¹®¸ÆÁ¶¿µ CT¿¡¼­ Á¦4ºÐ¿± ÈĹ濡 À§Ä¡ÇÑ Â¥º´º¯ÀÇ ºóµµ´Â 6.2%(28/450)¿´°í, °¡Â¥
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Purpose : To determine the incidence of pseudolesions seen in the posterior aspect of
segment ¥³ of the liver on CT arterial portography(CTAP), and to evaluate he findings
of CT hepatic arteriorgraphy (CTHA) and celiac angiography.
Materials and Methods : We retrospectively analysed 450 cases of patients who had
undergone CTHA, CYAP and celiac arteriography for the diagnosis and treatment of
hepatic lesion, and evaluated the incidence and imaging finding of pseudolesions in
segment ¥³ of the liver, as seen on CTAP, CTHA and celiac arteriography.
Results : In 28 of 450 patients(6.2%), pseudolesions of focal perfusion defect were seen
in segment ¥³ on CT arterial portography. Pseudolesions were seen on CTAP on 39
different section slices ; these were wedge-shaped in 41% of cases(16/39), rectangular in
30.8%(12/39), ovoid-shaped in 1%(9/39), and half moon-shaped in 5.1%(2/39):they were
from 1 to 3cm(average, 1.5cm) in anteroposterior diameter, from 1 to3cm(average, 1.9cm)
in width, and from 1 to 4cm(average, 1.9cm) in craniocaudal diameter. Twenty-seven
patients underwent CTHAs: hyperattenuation was seen in 13(48.2%), isoattenuation in
12(44.4%), and hypoattenuation in two(7.4%). In 19 of 28 celiac angiograms(67.9%), the
right gastric artery was seen to arise from the hepatic artery, and aberrant right gastric
veins directly draining into the left lobe of the liver were seen in three(10.7%).
Conclusion: The incidence of pseudolesion seen in segment ¥³ of the liver on CTAP
was 6.2%(28/450), and in 3 of 28 cases(10.7%), celiac angiography showed aberrant right
gastric venous drainage. For pseudolexions, CTHA showed variable attenuation, and this
modality is less sensitive than CTAP for the detection of pseudolesion.(J Korean Radiol
Soc 1998: 38:279-283)


Liver; angiography; Liver; blood supply; Liver; CT;

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