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Purpose : To evaluate the efficacy of transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) in
children with blunt splenic injury.
Materials and Methods : The results of transcatheter splenic arterial embolization in
nine children who suffered splenic injury after blunt abdominal trauma were
retrospectively studied. This injury was demonstrated by CT, and the findings were
evaluated according to the classification of Mirvis et al. ; two patients were grade 3 and
seven were grade 4. All were carefully observed in intensive care before embolization.
TAE was performed if a patient satisfied the following criteria : (1) transfusion and/or
fluid replacement required to maintain hemodynamic stability ; or (2) rapid Hb/Hct
decrease ; or (3) both. Splenic function was subsequently estimated accoording to the
results of 99mTc-sulfur colloid scintigraphy and/or CT scanning.
Results : TAE was successful in all nine children. Two were embolized with a coil
only, three with gelfoam, and four with gelfoam and a coil. Seven were embolized in the
main trunk of the splenic artery and others in both the main truck and its branches.
Splenic function was preserved in all nine children, during follow-up, none suffered
Conclusion : TAE of the splenic artery can be a safe and effective nonsurgical
approach to the management of blunt splenic injury in children, and can preserve splenic


Arteries; therapeutic blockade; Spleen; angiography; Spleen; trauma; Children; injuries;

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