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Purpose : To determine the different of enhancement patterns of hepatic hemangioma
according to the lesion size, using dual-phase spiral CT.
Materials and Methods : Fifty-nine lesions in 45 patients with hepatic hemangiomas
were subjected to spiral CT. According to size, the lesions were divided into two groups
(<2.5cm : n=34 ; >¡Ã2.5cm : n=25). The enhancement patterns of the lesions were
classified as one of four types (homogeneous hyperdense, peripheral hyperdense, central
hyperdense, or hypodense) during the early phase, and as one of five types
(homogeneous hyperdense, peripheral hyperdense, central hyperdense, hypodense or
isodense) during the delayed phase. We evaluated differences in enhancement patterns
during the early and delayed phase according to lesion size.
Results : During the early phase, the enhancement patterns of lesions large than 2.5 cm
were peripheral hyperdense (96%) or homogeneous hyperdense (4%) ; those of less than
2.5cm were peripheral hyperdense (53%), homogeneous hyperdense (26%), hypodense
(18%), or central hyperdense (3%). Thus, hemangiomas in these two groups usually
showed a peripheral enhancement pattern during the early phase, but in those which
were smaller than 2.5cm, atypical enhancement patterns were more common. During the
delayed phase, the enhancement patterns of lesions larger than 2.5cm were peripheral
hyperdense (60%) or homogenous hyperdense (40%), while the patterns of those smaller
than 2.5cm were homogeneous hyperdense (67%), peripheral hyperdense (24%), central
hyperdense (3%), hypodense (3%), or isodense (3%). Thus, the enhancement patterns of
lesions larger than 2.5cm were usually peripherally hyperdense during the delayed phase,
while those smaller than 2.5cm showed a homogeneous enhancement pattern.
Conclusion : The enhancement patterns of hepatic hemangiomas differ according to
lesion size. A knowledge of these differences is helpful in the diagnosis of hepatic


Liver neoplasms; CT; Computed tomography(CT); helical; Angioma; gastrointestinal tract.;

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