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Ilizarov ½Ã¼ú ÈÄ ÃßÀû°Ë»ç¿¡ ÀÖ¾î ÃÊÀ½ÆÄ°Ë»çÀÇ À¯¿ë¼º : ´Ü¼øÃÔ¿µ°úÀÇ ºñ±³ Usefulness of Ultrasonography in Follow-up Evaluation after Ilizarov Procedure : Comparison with Plain Radiography

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Purpose : To compare the usefulness of ultrasonography in follow up evaluation after
the Ilizarov procedure with that of plain radiography.
Materials and Methods : We analyzed ultrasound findings in twelve patients who had
undergone the Ilizarov procedure, and retrospectively compared the results with the
findings of plain radiography. The procedure was performed due to post-traumatic limb
deformity or non-union (nine of twelve patients), congenital pseudoarthrosis (one case),
sequelae of poliomyelitis (one case), and short stature (one case). The patients' mean
age was 29 years ; eleven of twelve were male. Ten of twelve procedures were
performed on the tibia and two on the femur. After 7-10 days, distraction was initiated
at a rate of 0.25mm four times a day. Ultrasonography was performed with a 5-10 MHz
linear or convex transducer ; new bone formation was defined as dotted or linear
echogenic foci within a hypoechoic distraction gap. Initial ultrasonographic examination
was performed 2-4 weeks after distraction, and the results were compared with those of
plain radiography. Color Doppler imaging was performed in three cases.
Results : On ultrasonograms, new bone formation was initially detected 18-29(mean, 23)
days after distraction, and on plain radiographs, 37-58 (mean, 45) days after this
procedure ; ultrasonography thus detected new bone formation at least three weeks
earlier than did plain radiography. Complication after the Ilizarov procedure were four
cysts at the distraction site, and one pin site infection, as seen on ultrasonograms, None
of these four cysts, the size of which was 12-22mm (mean, 17mm), was visible on plain
radiographs. In one case in which a cysts was present, ultrasound-guided aspiration was
performed. Color Doppler examination was performed in three of twelve patients, and in
all three, periosteal vascularity at the edge of the distracted gap was seen to be
Conclusion : After the Ilizarov bone lengthening procedure, ultrasound appears to be
useful for follow-up examination. New bone formation, as well as complications, can be
detected earlier ; it can indicate whether ultrasound-guided interventional procedure in
required, and if combined with color Doppler study, is able to detect the periosteal blood
supply. Further evaluation of the clinical significance of preserved periosteal blood supply
seems however, to be needed.


Bones; surgery; Bones; US;

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