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Purpose : To evaluate the usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
ultrasonography (US) for the diagnosis of jumper's knee in high school basketball
Materials and Methods : In order to detect clinical cases of jumper's knee, 40 sites of
patellar tendon in 20 knees of the basketball players were assessed by an evaluation of
personal history and physical examination. US and MRI were used for detecting
compatible findings of this condition ; the diagnostic criteria were hypoechoic focus with
focal thickening as seen on US, and increased signal intensity with focal thickening as
seen on MRI. As an early finding of jumper's knee a new sonographic criterion of focal
hypoechoic focus with or without focal thickening, was also applied.
Results : At 19 of 40 sites(48%), clinical jumper's knee was diagnosed. For the
detection of this condition according to known cliteria, sensitivity and specificity were,
respectively, 63% and 100% (US) and 32% and 90%(MRI). Using the new criterion, the
sensitivity and specificity of US were 84% and 76%, respectively.
Conclusion : On the basis of known US and MRI criteria for jumper's knee, the
sensitivity and specificity of US were higher than those of MRI. We suggest that
hypoechoic focus without focal thickening oas seen on US, is an early finding of
jumper's knee.


Tendinitis; Tendons; MR; Tendons; US;

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