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Purpose : To evaluate radiologic findings of rhabodmyosarcoma of children in the head
and neck concerning the origin, morphologic characteristics, extent, and the route of
intracranial extension on CT and MR.
Materials and Methods : Twenty cases of pathologically proven rhabdomyosarcoma
were analyzed. Fifteen CT scans (postcontrast CT (n=13), precontrast CT (n=2)) and
eleven MR scans were obtained. Postcontrast MR scans were performed in the ten
cases. Six cases had CT and MR scans. Nine cases had only CT scan and five had
only MR scans. We retrospectively analyzed the origin, morphologic characteristics
(attenuation, signal intensity, margin), extent, intractanial extension, route and clinical
staging of rhabdomyosarcoma on CT and MR scans.
Results : Out of the twenty rhabdomyosarcomas, sixteen cases were of parameningeal
group. Ten cases of parameningeal group located in the infratemporal fossa which was
the most common site of origin. The mass showed iso-density in the 8 cases (62%) and
high density in the 5 cases (38%) on the postcontrast CT scans compared with the
muscle. All cases on the CT scan showed homogenous attenuation of the tumor except
one which showed internal necrosis. Twelve cases (80%) on pre- and postcontrast CT
scans (n=15) showed moderately-defined margin and the rest showed ill-defined margin.
On MR scans, all the cases (n=11) showed iso- and high signal intensity on T1WI and
T2WI, respectively. Strong enhancement of the mass was seen in all cases (n=10). Nine
cases showed homogenous signal intensity of tumor on pre- and postcontrast MR scan
while 2 cases showed inhomogenous signal intensity because of hemorrhage(n=1) and
necrosis (n=1). Therefore the margin of rhabdomyosarcoma on all pre- and postcontrast
MR scans was well-defined. The extent of rhabdomyosarcoma was various depending
on corresponding origin and parameningeal group showed wider extent than other head
and neck group. Infratemporal rhabdomyosarcoma showed expansile growth and
intracranial extension via foramen ovale. Those in the middle ear invaded intracranium
by directly destroying petrous bone and via internal auditory canal. Those in the nasal
cavity extended into intracranium by directly destroying skull base of frontal lobe.
Nasopharyngeal one extended into intracranium mainly by directly destroying base of
skull or partially via foramen ovale. Clinical Stage 1, 2 and 3 were one, four and fifteen
cases, respectively.
Conclusion : Rhabdomyosarcoma of children in the head and neck tends to show
relatively severe bony destruction of skull base and various intracranial extension routes
can be helpful radiologic findings on the CT or MR scan although its CT density or
signal intensity of MR was not specific. And it is peculiar that infratemporal fossa was
the most common site of origin of rhabdomyosarcoma.

Myosarcoma; Neoplasms; in infants and children; Muscles; neoplasms; Head and neck neoplasms; CT; Head and neck neoplasms; MR;


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