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Purpose : To evaluate preoperative N staging of advanced gastric cancer(AGC) using
helical CT according to the new TNM classification.
Materials and Methods : Helical CT findings of AGCs in N staging were prospectively
evaluated and correlated with pathologic staging in 60 patients with AGCs who
underwent surgery. In all patients, contrast-enhanced helical CT with 5-7§® since
thickness and 5-7§® reconstruction was performed after ingestion of 600-800§¢ of water.
A total of 150§¢ of contrast medium was administered intravenously at a rate of
4mL/sec and CT Scans were obtained 60 seconds after the initiation of intravenous
administration of contrast medium. CT nodal status was assessed according to the 1997
UICC/AJCC N staging system as: No, no lymph node metastatic; N1, 1-6 metastatic
regional lymph nodes; N2, 7-15 metastatic regional lymph nodes; N3, more than 15
metastatic regional lymph nodes at least 5mm in short-axis diameter or more than three
lymph nodes in a focal area(clustered appearance) regardless of size were interpretated
as positive for metastasis.
Results : Of the total 1,334 lymph nodes dissected, 352(26%) were positive for
metastasis. The sensitivity of helical CT scans in N staging of AGCs was 61%,
specificity was 36%, and overall accuracy was 55%(33 of 60 cases), Nine(15%) cases
were overstaged and 18(30%) were understaged.
Conclusion : our results indicate that the results of helical CT in preoperative N staging
of AGCs according to the new TNM classification showed no improvement despite the
application of favorable criteria for lymph node metastasis. Further evaluation using
various analytic approaches is necessary.


Stomach neoplasms; Stomach CT; Lymphatic system neoplasms;

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