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À§¿¡ »õ±ä ¿°Áõ¼º¼¶À¯¼º¿ëÁ¾ : 1¿¹ º¸°í Inflammatory Fibroid Polyp of the Stomach

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Chungbuk National University

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Chungbuk National University


¼ÒÈ­°ü¿¡ »ý±â´Â ¿°Áõ¼º¼¶À¯¼º¿ëÁ¾(inflammatory fibroid polyp)Àº µå¹°°Ô º¸°íµÇ´Â ¾ç¼º
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Inflammatory fibroid polyp(IFP), a localized non-neoplastic growth of the digestive
wall, is a rare disease and arising from the deep mucosa and submucosa of the gut
wall. It is not a true neoplastic tumor; for convenience, however, it is referred to as a
submucosal tumor. Although the exact pathogenesis of an IFP is unknown, it thought to
result from a reactive process rather than a neoplasm. We report the radiologic findings
of IFP of the stomach, demonstration histopathologic correlation.


Stomach CT; Stomach diseases; Stomach neoplasms;

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