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Kimura º´ : º¹ºÎ¿¡ »ý±ä 1¿¹ÀÇ CT ¼Ò°ß Kimura

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CT ¼Ò°ßÀ» ±â¼úÇÏ°í Åä·ÐÇϴµ¥ ÀÖ´Ù.
Kimura's disease is a benign chromic inflammatory condition with good prognosis,
commonly involving the head and neck area. With regard to abdominal manifestations,
however, the information contained in the literature is limited. Diagnosis on the basis of
imaging is difficult, especially in abdominal cases manifesting as lymphadenopathy. The
purpose of this report is to illustrate and discuss an abdominal case of the disease
manifesting as lymphadenopathy.


Abdomen CT; Abdomen diseases;

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