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Purpose : To determine normal postoperative CT findings and tumor recurrence in
patients who have undergone radical cystectomy and urinary diversion.
Materials and Methods : We retrospectively reviewed the postoperative CT scans of 51
patients who had undergone radical cystectomy with urinary diversion, and in analysis
specially emphasized normal postoperative CT findings and recurrent cancer in the
surgical bed. Among these 51 patients, 443 had undergone incontinent urinary
diversion(Bricker operation), while for six, diversion had been continent (Kock
procedure). Attempts were also made to characteries the CT findings of each procedure
according to the location of the ileal pouch, the pattern of contrast collection within the
pouch, and the morphology of the ileocutaneostomy site.
Results : Each urinary diversion procedure demonstrated characteristic postoperative CT
appearances. The Bricker procedure revealed a contrast-filled ileal conduit in the right
lower quadrant excreting into the ileocutaneostomy site, while the Kock procedure
demonstrated layering of contrast and urine within the pouch as well as artificially
intussuscepted afferent and efferent ileal loops at the anastomotic sites. Thirty-three
small soft tissue density lesions in the surgical bed were seen in 19 patients (37%).
Thirty one were bilateral (n=28) or unilateral (n=3) triangular or oval shaped
soft-tissue-density lesions and two were unilateral irregular shaped lesions. Follow-up
CT scans showed that all triangular or oval-shaped lesions were smaller (n=8) or show
no change in size (n=23) ; they were thought to represent postoperative fibrosis or
granulation tissue. Two cases of irregular-shaped soft-tissue-density lesions were seen
on follow-up CT scans to be larger, and these were confirmed by percutaneous biopsy
to be recreant cancer.
Conclusion : It is important for the radiologist to be familiar with normal postoperative
CT findings of various urinary diversion procedures as well as to recognize a relatively
high incidence (37%) of small soft tissue density lesions in a surgical bed. In our study,
small triangular or oval-shaped soft-tissue-density lesions in the surgical bed (especially
when these were bilateral) were thought to represent postoperative fibrosis or
granulation tissue, and close follow-up by means of CT scanning rather than an
invasive procedure is therefore warranted.


Bladder beoplasms CT; Ureter abnormalities;

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