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Purpose : To evaluate by means of MR arthrography the causal relationship between
anterior capsular attachment type and anterior instability of the glenohumeral joint.
Materials and Methods : Sixty-five patients (M: F=64:1;mean age, 23 years), who had
undergone shoulder MR arthrography were retrospectively reviewed. There was no
history of traumatic dislocation, and medical records relating to anterior instability were
available. Physical examination revealed anterior instability in 25 patients(Group A),
while in 40 (Group B), this was either suspicious or absent. With the aid of general
anesthesia, 32 patients who had undergone surgery were physically examined. Anterior
instability was evident in 16 patients(Group C), and suspicious or absent in the
remaining 16(Group D). All images were obtained after intra-articular injection of
Gd-DTPA. Fat-suppressed T1 axial imaging was used to evaluate anterior capsular
attachment type at mid and distal three-fourths levels of the glenoid fossa. The causal
relationship between anterior capsular attachment types and anterior instability was
analyzed using the £ø2test
Results : In group A, type ¥° was most common at distal three-fourths level, and types
¥°and ¥±were equal and more common than type ¥² at mid level, In group B, type I
anterior capsular attachment type was most common at both mid and distal
three-fourths level. In these groups, no statistical significance was noted between
anterior capsular attachment type and anterior instability (p value 0.611:0.567). In group
C, types ¥° and ¥± were equal and more common than type ¥² at both mid and distal
three-fourths level, while in group D, type ¥± was most common at mid level, and type
¥° was most common at distal three-fourths level. In these groups, no statistical
significance was noted between anterior capsular attachment type and anterior instability
(p value, 0.772).
Conclusion : There was no statistically significant difference between anterior capsular
attachment type and anterior instability of the shoulder joint.


Shoulder dislocation; Magnetic resonance (MR) arthrography; Shoulder MR;

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