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°ß°©°ñ ÁÖÀ§ °áÀýÁ¾ÀÇ ÀÚ±â°ø¸í¿µ»ó ¼Ò°ß Ganglionic Cysts Related to the Scapula : MR Findings

´ëÇѹæ»ç¼±ÀÇÇÐȸÁö 1999³â 41±Ç 1È£ p.171 ~ 175
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Èç (n=2), ±Ø°üÀý¿Í ÀýÈç (n=2), ±Ø°ïÀý¿Í ÀýÈç(n=2) ȤÀº °ñ ³»ºÎ (n=2)¿¡¸¸ ±¹ÇѵǾî ÀÖ±â
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À¸¸ç ÀÌ Áß 1¿¹¿¡¼­ °üÀý¼øÀÇ ÆÄ¿­À» °üÂûÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ¾ú´Ù. ¸ðµç °áÀýÁ¾µéÀº T1 °­Á¶¿µ»ó¿¡¼­
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Purpose : To evaluate the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging characteristics of
ganglionic cysts related to the scapular.
Material and Methods : We retrospectively reviewed 15 ganglionic cysts diagnosed by
MR imaging in 14 patients who subsequently underwent surgical excision (n=8) or
needle aspiration (n=1). Five other patients whose lesion-related symptoms were not too
severe to manage underwent conservative treatment. We analyzed MR findings with
regard to the size, shape and presence of internal sepata, the location and signal
intensity of the lesion, and associated findings such as change of rotator cuff muscle,
labral tear and bone erosion. We also evaluated the presence of tear of rotator cuff
tendon, tendinosis, and subacromial enthesophyte.
Results : The diameter of ganglionic cysts was 0.5-5.5 (mean, 2.8)§¯, and they were
round (n=2), ovoid (n=6), or elongated (n=7). Where internal septa were present (n=13),
cysts were lobulated. Lesions were located in both scapular and spinoglenoid notches
(n=9), only in the scapular notch (n=2), only in the spinoglenoid notch (n=2) or within
the bone (n=2). In eleven cases they were very close to the superoposterior aspect of
the glenoid labrum (n=11). On T1-weighted images, all lesions were seen to be iso-or
hypointense to muscle, while on T2-weighted images, they were hyperintense,
resembling joint fluid (n=14), except in one patient with hemorrhage. Associated findings
were edema of the infraspinatus muscle (n=4), pressure erosion of the scapular neck
(n=1), and labral tear (n=1). A torn suprapinatus tendon (n=2), supraspinatus tendinosis
(n=3), and subacromial enthesophyte (n=2) were also present.
Conclusion : MR imaging was helpful in diagnosing ganglionic cysts and detection
associated lesions.


Shoulder MR;

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