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Purpose : The purpose of our study was to identify the CT findings that help detect
pleural dissemination from lung cancer and to evaluate the usefulness of selected
diagnostic criteria.
Materials and Methods : After a computerized database search of 606 patients who had
undergone thoracotomy for primary lung cancer, 23 patients were identified as having
surgically documented pleural dissemination. From the same database, 50 patients
without pleural dissemination during thoracotomy were randomly selected as controls.
Preoperative CT scans and medical records were reviewed retrospectively, and findings
were compared between the two groups.
Results : One of more of three types of pleural thickening (plaque-like, nodular, and
fissural) were identified on CT as the most discriminating finding(sensitivity, 74%:
specificity, 60%; p=0.007). The following findings were also significantly discriminating
(p<0.05):contiguity of primary tumor with the pleural surface as seen on CT
adenocarcinoma in cell type; and a peripheral tumor defined as one in which
bronchoscopy revealed no endobronchial lesion. The use of combinations of these
findings in addition to pleural thickening rendered diagnostic criteria more specific at the
cost of the sensitivity.
Conclusion : During preoperative CT evaluation of lung cancer, the recognition of subtle
pleural thickening helps detect pleural dissemination. The likelihood that subtle pleural
thickening represents pleural dissemination is increased when a primary tumor is
contiguous with the pleural surface, is an adenocarcinoma, or is peripherally located.


Lung neoplasms CT; Lung neoplasms metastases; Lung neoplasms staging; Pleura CT; Pleura neoplasms;

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