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Purpose : To evaluate the diagnostic value of CT-guided percutaneous biopsy of
inflammatory and tumorous lesions of the spine and paraspinal soft tissue.
Materials and Methods : Twenty-three patients under-went CT-guided percutaneous
biopsy of the spine and paraspinal soft tissue. Tentative clinical diagnoses determined
before biopsy were tuberculous spondylitis(n=5), pyogenic spondylitis(n=4), butterfly
vertebra(n=1), old compression fracture(n=3), discitis(n=1), hemangioma(n=1),
metastasis(n=7) and multiple myeloma(n=1). Biopsy was performed at the following
levels: cervical-(n=1), thoracic-(n=9), and lumbar-spine(n=13). The approach to biopsy of
the spine and paraspinal soft tissue lesions was posterolateral(n=11), posterior(n=2), or
Results : Tissue considered adequate by the pathologist involved was obtained in
21(91%)of the 23cases. In 19cases, pathologic findings supported the clinical diagnoses
determined before biopsy. In two cases, pathologic and clinical diagnoses differed.
Complications such as severe pain, bleeding, infection, neurologic deficit or damage to
internal organs were detected neither during or after the proceure.
Conclusion : CT-guided percutaneous biopsy is a safe and reliable method of obtaining
a diagnosis in many cases involving different spinal and paraspinal lesions.


Spine biopsy; Computed tomography(CT) guidance; Spine diseases;

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