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Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty(PTA) of atherosclerotic middle cerebral artery(MCA) stenosis in patients with transient ischemic attack(TIA).
Materials and Methods: Ten patients with TIA who had undergone PTA were retrospectively investigated. In all ten, angiography revealed stenosis of the MCA. Mechanical dilatation was performed at the stenotic portion, and the angiographic findings
PTA, as well as peri/post-angioplastic complications, were evaluated. Four to 64 (mean, 23.5) months later, neurologic symptoms and the nature and timing of recurrent attacks were also assessed.
Results: The degree of stenosis before PTA was 50 -75% in six patients and greater than 75% in four. Complete or partial angiographic recanalization of the stenotic segment occurred in nine patients (90%). During follow-up, seven patients
without recurrent TIA or cerebral stroke; one reported a tingling sensation and one experienced vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Motor aphasia developed in one patient after PTA, but after systemic heparinization, improved within 24 hours. One
patient who
suffered intracranial hem-orrhage due to vascular rupture during PTA did three days later.
Conclusion: PTA for atherosclerotic MCA stenosis in patients with TIA is an effective therapeutic method.


Arteriosclerosis; Middle cerebral arteries; transluminal angioplasty;

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