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Purpose: To assess the results and usefulness of interventional procedures for hepatic arterial stenosis or thrombosis following liver transplantation.
Materials and Methods: During the past five years, eight patients aged 1 -59 (mean, 39) years among 187 liver transplant recipients showed elevated of liver enzyme levels (AST/ALT) and decreased arterial flow at Doppler ultrasound. Hepatic
revealed luminal stenosis or occlusion at the proper hepatic artery, and six patients, one of whom required thrombolysis before the procedure, underwent percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) using a balloon. In two with thronbosis,
without PTA was performed. In order to increase hepatic arterial flow, four patients underwent additional coil embolization of the gastroduodenal or splenic artery.
Results: Hepatic arterial flow recovered in all six patients after PTA. Three required repeat PTA for restenosis and one of these needed stent placement after repeated PTA. At follow-up, 6 -17 months later, the three had good hepatic function.
four days, the other three expired due to graft failure, hepatorenal syndrome and sepsis. One of the patients who underwent thrombolysis without PTA expired and the other required re-transplantation. In this case there were no procedure - related
Conclusion: Radiologic interventions are useful for treatment of hepatic arterial stensis or thrombosis in patients with liver transplantations.

Liver, transplantation; Surgery, complications; Hepatic arteries transluminal angioplasty; Thrombolysis;


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