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Purpose: To assess the usefulness of CT scanning in the differentiation of stage T3a from T2 in renal cell carci-noma. Materials and Methods: Among patients with pathologically proven renal cell carcinoma, 114 at stages T2 and T3a were divided
three groups, as follows: intact capsule (T2) n=40, capsular involvement (T2) n=38, and capsular penetration (T3a) n=36. By referring to contrast-enhanced CT scans, we retrospectively compared the groups in terms of tumor margin, the frequency
which a tumor bulged more than 3 cm beyond the renal contour, the presence or absence of peritumoral collateral vessels, thickening of Gerota ¡¯s fascia, and perinephric strands.
Results: An irregular margin was more common in the capsular penetration group than in the other two groups (p<0.05). With regard to frequency of tumor bulging, the presence of peritumoral collateral vessels, thickening of Gerota ¡¯s fascia, and
perinephric strands, these characteristics were more frequently noted in the capsular penetration group (T3a) and capsular involvement group (T2) (p<0.05) than in the intact capsule group. The difference between the capsular penetration group
the capsular involvement group (T2) was not significant, however (p>0.05).
Conclusion: In determining the tumor stage of renal cell carcinoma, CT is not helpful in differentiating between a tumor with capsular penetration (T3a) and one with capsular invasion (T2), though differentiation of the T3a stage from the T2
without capsular invasion, is reliable. When a tumor has an irregular margin, however, the possibility that it is at stage T3a should be considered.


Kidney; CT; Kidney neoplasm; staging; Kidney neoplasm; diagnosis;

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