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SPIR-FLAIR(selective partial inversion recovery-fluid attenuated inversion recovery)¿µ
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Purpose: To compare the usefulness of combined fat- and fluid-suppressed selective partial inversion recov-ery-
fluid attenuated inversion recovery(SPIR-FLAIR) images in the detection of high signal intensity of the op-tic
nerve in optic neuritis with that of fat-suppressed selective partial inversion recovery(SPIR) or short inver-sion
time inversion recovery(STIR) images.
Materials and Methods: Two radiologists independently analyzed randomly mixed MR images of 16 lesions in
14 patients (M:F=7:7; mean age, 40years) in whom optic neuritis had been clinically diagnosed. All subjects
underwent both SPIR-FLAIR and fat-suppressed SPIR or STIR imaging, in a blind fashion. In order to evaluate
the optic nerve, coronal images perpendicular to its long axis were obtained. The detection rate of high signal
intensity of the optic nerve, the radiologists ¡¯preferred imaging sequences, and intersubject consistency of de-tection
were evaluated. ¡®High signal intensity¡¯ was defined as the subjective visual evaluation of increased sig-nal
intensity compared with that of the contralateral optic nerve or that of white matter.
Results: The mean detection rate of high signal intensity of the optic nerve was 90% for combined fat- and flu-id-
suppressed SPIR-FLAIR images, and 59% for fat-suppressed SPIR or STIR images. In all cases in which the
signal intensity observed on SPIR-FLAIR images was normal, that on fat-suppressed SPIR or STIR images was
also normal. The radiologists preferred the contrast properties of SPIR-FLAIR to those of fat-suppressed SPIR
or STIR images.
Conclusion: In the diagnosis of optic neuritis using MRI, combined fat- and fluid-suppressed SPIR-FLAIR im-ages
were more useful for the detection of high signal intensity of the optic nerve than fat-suppressed SPIR or
STIR images. For the evaluation of optic neuritis, combined fat- and fluid-suppressed SPIR-FLAIR imaging is
superior to fat-suppressed SPIR or STIR imaging.


Brain; diseases; Brain; MR; Magnetic resonance(MR); pulse sequences;

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