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ÀÇ ÃѳúÇ÷·ù·®ÀÇ Æò±ÕÀº °¢°¢ 628 ¡¾68 ml/min(517-779 ml/min),612 ¡¾79 ml/min(482-804
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Purpose: To compare of quantitative measurement of the total cerebral blood flow using two-dimensional
phase-contrast MR imaging and Doppler ultrasound.
Materials and Methods: In 16 volunteers (mean age, 26 years; mean body weight, 66 kg) without abnormal
medical histories, two-dimensional phase-contrast MR imaging was performed at the level of the C2 -3 inter-vertebral
disc for flow measurement of the internal carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries. Volume flow
measurements using Doppler ultrasound were also performed at the internal carotid arteries 2 cm above the
carotid bifurcation, and at the vertebral arteries at the level of the upper pole of the thyroid gland. Flows in the
four vessels measured by the two methods were compared using Wilcoxon¡¯s correlation analysis and the me-dian
score. Total cerebral blood flows were calculated by summing these four vessel flows, and mean values
for the 16 volunteers were calculated.
Results: Cerebral blood flows measured by 2-D phase-contrast MR imaging and Doppler ultrasounds were
233 and 239 ml/min in the right internal carotid artery, 250 and 248 ml/min in the left internal carotid artery,
62 and 56 ml/min in the right vertebral artery, and 83 and 68 ml/min in the left vertebral artery. Correlation co-efficients
of the blood flows determined by the two methods were 0.48, 0.54, 0.49, and 0.62 in each vessel,
while total cerebral blood flows were 628 ¡¾68 (range, 517 to 779) ml/min and 612 ¡¾79 (range, 482 to 804)
ml/min, respectively.
Conclusion: Total cerebral blood flow was easily measured using 2-D phase-contrast MR imaging and Doppler
ultrasound, and the two noninvasive methods can therefore be used clinically for the measurement of total
cerebral blood flow.


Brain; blood flow; Magnetic resonance (MR); vascular studies; Carotid arteries; US;

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