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Purpose: To evaluate the imaging findings of tuberculous pulmonary masses developing during antitubercu-lous
treatment of tuberculous pleurisy.
Materials and Methods: The serial chest radiographs of 134 patients with tuberculous pleurisy were retrospec-tively
assessed by two observers who recorded the presence of pulmonary masses observed on follow-up radi-ographs
with their imaging findings. Four patients underwent chest CT scans.
Results: On chest radiographs, 29 masses were observed in 14 patients (10.4%) comprising seven men and
seven women aged 21 -52(mean, 33) years. The interval between the onset of pleurisy and the development of
masses varied between 1 and 7 months. The lesions were single in nine patients and multiple in five; all devel-oped
in the hemithorax affected by pleurisy and 21 were located subpleurally. The CT scans obtained in four
patients, demonstrated 14 masses in the peripheral lung. The location of ten of these was subpleural; eight of
the ten showed extrapleural extension, and associated satellite nodules and ground-glass opacity were ob-served
in six. Contrast-enhanced CT scans showed that enhancement pattern was peripheral in five, heteroge-neous
in five and homogeneous in four. Follow-up radiography indicated that all masses had become smaller.
Conclusion: Tuberculous pulmonary masses may develop during antituberculous treatment of tuberculous
pleurisy as single or multiple masses. Characteristically, a peripheral or subpleural pulmonary location is not-ed,
and the CT findings include heterogeneous or peripheral rim enhancement, extrapleural extension and as-sociated
ground-glass opacity or satellite nodules.


Pleura; fluid; Thorax; CT; Thorax; radiography; Tuberculosis; pulmonary;

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