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Purpose: To determine the prevalence and characteristics of the hypoechoic halo sign in peripheral cholangio-carcinoma.
Materials and Methods: Seventeen sonograms of 17 patients with peripheral cholangiocarcinoma histologically
proven by either percutaneous needle biopsy (n=16) or surgical biopsy (n=1) were retrospectively reviewed.
The size, margin, homogeneity and internal echogenicity of the masses as well as their peritumoral ductal di-latation
and intratumoral calcification were ascertained, and the presence of a hypoechoic halo, and if present,
its thickness and type, were also determined. We arbitrarily defined a ¡®thin¡¯ and ¡®thick¡¯ halo respectively, as
one with a thickness less than of less than 3 mm, and 3 mm or more, and classified halos as ¡®intratumoral¡¯,
¡®extratumoral¡¯, or ¡®mixed¡¯.
Results: Tumor diameter ranged from 4 to 13.5 (mean, 7.3) cm, and the margin was well-defined in 15 cases
(smooth: n=2; lobulated: n=13) and irregular in two. Echogenicity was slightly heterogeneous in 11 cases, se-verely
heterogeneous in three, and homogeneous in three, while the central portion was hyperechoic in eight
cases, isoechoic in seven, and hypoechoic in only two. A hypoechoic halo was detected in 10 of 15 tumors
(67%) with isoechoic centers. In evaluating the halo, two cases in which the mass was hypoechoic were ex-cluded.
All ten hypoechoic halos were at least 3 (range, 4 -13; mean, 8.3) mm thick; in two cases the presence
of a halo was equivocal, and in three there was no halo. Eight of ten halos were the mixed type, two were in-tratumoral,
and none were extratumoral. Peritumoral ductal dilatation was seen in four cases (24%), but no in-ternal
calcification was observed.
Conclusion: US showed that the margins of peripheral cholangiocarcinomas were mostly well-defined and
smooth (12%) or lobulated (76%), and that masses were mainly heterogeneous (64%). A hypoechoic halo,
which in all cases was thick and in 80% of cases was mixed, was noted in 67% of tumors with a hyper (47%) or
isoechoic (41%) center. A halo of this kind may be useful in isoechoic mass detection and also in the differenti-ation
of hyperechoic peripheral cholangiocarcinoma from hepatic hemangioma, the most common hypere-choic
benign tumor.


Liver; US; Liver; neoplasms; Bile ducts; neoplasms;

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