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Çѱ¹³» ¹Ì±ºº´¿ø Ç÷¾×ÀºÇà ¾÷¹«¼öÇà °æÇè Experiences of Blood Bank Performance in Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital

´ëÇѼöÇ÷ÇÐȸÁö 2019³â 30±Ç 2È£ p.174 ~ 177
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Brian Allgood Army Community Hospital (BAACH) is one of the US military General Hospitals in Korea that have blood services. The author of this paper is a civilian employee who has been working in the blood bank for 37 years. Through this experience, a difference between BAACH and the Korean Medical Center has been observed. First, BAACH performs a blood culture for the sterility test upon the receipt of platelets from the Korean Red Cross, and measures the pH at the end of allowable storage. Second, some military facilities use the Frozen Blood Program as the storage/ thawing system of Deglycerolized Red Blood Cells (DRBC) and the use of DRBC. Third, most military facilities have a continuous training education program for those working in the blood bank provided by the Armed Service Blood Program.


Hospital; Blood bank; U.S. army

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