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±¹°¡Ç÷¾×»ç¾÷ Àü¹®¼º ¹× ¿ª·® °­È­¸¦ À§ÇÑ Á¦¾ð Suggestions for Specialization and Enhancing Capacity in National Blood Services

´ëÇѼöÇ÷ÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 31±Ç 1È£ p.5 ~ 20
±èÇö¿Á, Â÷¿µÁÖ, ¹Ú±ÔÀº, ÃÖÀº°æ, ÀÓ¿µ¾Ö, ¼­µ¿Èñ, ȲÀ¯¼º,
¼Ò¼Ó »ó¼¼Á¤º¸
±èÇö¿Á ( Kim Hyun-Ok ) 
Yonsei University College of Medicine Department of Laboratory Medicine

Â÷¿µÁÖ ( Cha Young-Joo ) 
Chung-Ang University College of Medicine Department of Laboratory Medicine
¹Ú±ÔÀº ( Park Qu-Ehn ) 
Armed Forces Medical Research Institute
ÃÖÀº°æ ( Choi Eun-Kyung ) 
Kyungpook National University School of Medicine Department of Medical Education
ÀÓ¿µ¾Ö ( Lim Young-Ae ) 
Ajou University School of Medicine Department of Laboratory Medicine
¼­µ¿Èñ ( Seo Dong-Hee ) 
LabGenomics Medical Research Institute
ȲÀ¯¼º ( Hwang Yoo-Sung ) 
Hanmaeum Blood Center


Blood is an essential medical resource for treating diseases and trauma of people, but a limited biological resource for which no artificial production is possible. Therefore, systematic and rational management of its supply and use must be carried out under the national responsibility. On the other hand, the low birthrate and aging population have raised the problem of blood shortages in Korea. To help solve this problem, this study examined proposals for the development of a blood management system in Korea. In addition, the works of blood management bodies were analyzed based on the operation subjects and types of blood projects in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Singapore, and Japan. Based on these data, this paper proposes a new organization that can best enhance the specialization of national blood services and strengthen its capacity under the current blood supply system in Korea.


National blood services; Blood management system; Blood shortage; Blood policy

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