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Äڷγª¹ÙÀÌ·¯½º°¨¿°Áõ-19¿¡¼­ÀÇ È¸º¹±âÇ÷ÀåÄ¡·á ½Ã °í·Á»çÇ× Practical Considerations in Convalescent Plasma Therapy for Coronavirus Disease 2019

´ëÇѼöÇ÷ÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 31±Ç 1È£ p.67 ~ 69
³ëÁÖÇý, ±èÇö¹Ì, ±èÁسâ, ±è½Å¿µ, ±èÇö¿Á,
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³ëÁÖÇý ( Roh Ju-Hye ) 
Yonsei University College of Medicine Department of Laboratory Medicine

±èÇö¹Ì ( Kim Hyun-Mi ) 
Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Human Blood Safety Surveillance
±èÁسâ ( Kim Jun-Nyun ) 
Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Human Blood Safety Surveillance
±è½Å¿µ ( Kim Sin-Young ) 
Yonsei University College of Medicine Department of Laboratory Medicine
±èÇö¿Á ( Kim Hyun-Ok ) 
Yonsei University College of Medicine Department of Laboratory Medicine


Convalescent plasma therapy has been used to achieve passive immunization against diverse infectious agents by administering pathogen-specific antibodies. Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19), which originated in Wuhan, China, has recently become a major concern all over the world. There are no specific treatment recommendations for COVID-19 because of the lack of knowledge and evidence about this virus. Convalescent plasma therapy can be used as an empirical and investigational treatment for COVID-19, and so we briefly describe the main issues related to convalescent plasma therapy from the perspective of transfusion medicine.


Convalescent plasma; COVID-19; Passive immunization

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