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´ÜÀÏ 3Â÷ ÀÇ·á±â°ü¿¡¼­ ÀÚµ¿È­ºÐ¼®±â AutoVue Innova¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ABO Ç÷¾×Çü °Ë»çÀÇ ºÐ¼®°ú Àå±â°£ÀÇ ½ÇÁ¦ »ç¿ë °æÇè Evaluation of the Automated Analyzer AutoVue Innova for Blood Group Typing: Clinical Implementation at a Tertiary Hospital over 2 Years

´ëÇѼöÇ÷ÇÐȸÁö 2020³â 31±Ç 2È£ p.131 ~ 140
·ù¼ºÀº, ÀÌÇöÁö, ±èÇý¸°, ½Å°æÈ­, ±èÇüȸ,
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·ù¼ºÀº ( Ryu Seong-Eun ) 
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Laboratory Medicine

ÀÌÇöÁö ( Lee Hyun-Ji ) 
Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital Department of Laboratory Medicine
±èÇý¸° ( Kim Hye-Rin ) 
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Laboratory Medicine
½Å°æÈ­ ( Shin Kyung-Hwa ) 
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Laboratory Medicine
±èÇüȸ ( Kim Hyung-Hoi ) 
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Laboratory Medicine


Background: An increasing number of blood banks use an automated analyzer in ABO blood typing to reduce the high workload and impact of human error. On the other hand, the automated system often causes ABO discrepancies, where cell and serum typing do not match. Hence, the manual method is used for confirmation. This study evaluated the appropriateness of retesting with the manual method. In addition, the causes of ABO discrepancies were analyzed.

Methods: A total of 77,590 blood samples were tested with the AutoVue Innova for ABO typing. Among them, 1280 samples were retested manually due to ABO discrepancies. The causes of the discrepancies were analyzed further through additional tests. The serum reaction grades in both methods were compared.

Results: ABO typing of 76,906 samples (99.12%), which included 596 manually confirmed samples could be confirmed by the AutoVue system, while 403 samples (0.52%) continued to yield discrepant results. Weak serum reactions in the AutoVue system were observed, as previously reported. One hundred and thirty samples (66.7%), which were graded 0.5+ in the automated analyzer, yielded a negative serum reaction in the manual method, showing a greater serum reaction with the AutoVue system than with the manual method.

Conclusion: The AutoVue Innova performs reliably for blood typing. On the other hand, the manual method is still useful as retesting to address the ABO discrepancies and weak or strong serum reactions. In particular, it is important to confirm samples with 0.5+ grade serum reactions manually.


ABO typing; ABO discrepancy; Automated analyzer; Manual method

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