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»ó¿°»öü ¿ì¼º ¾ß°£ ÀüµÎ¿± °£Áú·Î ÃßÁ¤µÇ´Â ȯ¾Æ 1¿¹ A Case of Suspected Autosomal Dominant Nocturnal Frontal Lobe Epilepsy

´ëÇѼҾƽŰæÇÐȸÁö 2001³â 9±Ç 1È£ p.129 ~ 133
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±è¼±¿µ/Seon Young Kim ¹ÚÃæä/±èÈﵿ/Á¤ÈñÁ¤/Jung Chae Park/Heung Dong Kim/Hee Jung Chung


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Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy(ADNFLE) is a recently identified partial epilepsy. This disorder is characterized by a variable age of onset(mostly in childhood), autosomal dominant inheritance, clusters of brief frontal
seizures, negative findings on neuroimaging, and fairly good prognosis. Carbamazepine is known to be the most useful drug in this type of epilepsy.
We experienced a case of 5-year-old boy who had unusual arousal and irritability every night for 3 yeats and had sharp & wave discharges from frontal lobe region in long-term video-EEG monitoring, who was suspected as an autosomal dominant
frontal lobe epilepsy.
We report a case with a brief review of literatures.


Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy; Long-term video-EEG monitoring;

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