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Purpose: Convulsive status epilepticus induces disturbance in acid-base homeostasis. It is known that metabolic acidosis is common after status epilepticus. A recent, discovery indicates respiratory acidosis is common after status
This study is to analyze the acid-base disturbances in patients with status epilepticus.

Methods: Retrospectively, we reviewed twenty-five patients with status epilepticus, who were admitted to the pediatric department of Chosun University Hospital between January 1995 and August 2000. We have analyzed the clinical correlation
the acid-base disturbance, the incidence of pulmonary infiltration, and the type and duration of convulsions.

Results: Acid-base disorders in the status epilepticus were revealed in 17(68%) of 25 patients. Respiratory acidosis with or without metabolic acidosis was most common(N= 13; 52%). There was no significant correlation between the pulmonary
infiltration(N=8; 32%) and the acid-base disorders(P>0.05). The most common seizure type in status epilepticus was generalized tonic clonic(72%). In that type, the most common acid-base disorder was respiratory acidosis(11/18). The mean serum pH
significantly decreased with duration of seizures(P<0.05).

Conclusion: This study finds that respiratory acidosis with or without metabolic acidosis was most common in status epilepticus. There was no significant correlation between pulmonary infiltration and acid-base disorders. Respiratory
acidosis was
most common in generalized tonic clonic seizure.


Status epilepticus; Acid-base disorders;

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