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´ëÇѽŻý¾ÆÇÐȸÁö 2006³â 13±Ç 1È£ p.165 ~ 170
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ÀÌ¿ì·É ( Lee Woo-Ryoung ) 
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The term ¡°neonatal hepatitis¡± is used to designate hepatic inflammation of unknown cause. Liver failure is present with coagulopathy, metabolic instability, cholestasis, or other manifestations. It can be present with a chronic pattern with near normal serum aminotransferases, consistent with a prenatal liver injury. There have been case reports which show intrauterine intracranial hemorrhages associated with trauma, malformations or maternal coagulopathy. However, to our knowledge, there is no report of intrauterine intracranial hemorrhage resulting from fetal coagulopathy caused by chronic prenatal liver injury. We report a rare case of intrauterine intracranial hemorrhage due to intrauterine coagulopathy caused by chronic intrauterine liver failure. (J Korean Soc Neonatol 2006;13:165-170)


Intrauterine intracranial hemorrhage;Coagulopathy;Liver failure

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