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Vertical Ridge Augmentation with Mandibular Ramus Block Bone for Implant Surgery

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Áö¿µ´ö ( Chee Young-Deok ) 
Wonkwang University College of Dentistry Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Vertical alveolar bone loss can occur over a long period after tooth loss. When the amount of alveolar bone is insufficient, installing implants of appropriate length becomes difficult. To solve this problem, guided bone regeneration, ridge splitting, alveolar bone distraction osteogenesis, and autogenous onlay block bone graft are used. With these methods, the foundation for implantation is properly formed. The purpose of this study was to establish implants using autogenous block bone grafts taken from the same site in the vertically atrophied mandibular alveolar bone. Block bones were harvested from the same sites, and the surgical site was reduced to one place, which reduced post-operation complications leading to rapid healing. Compared to guided bone regeneration, the block bone graft is well maintained so that implant surgery can be performed adequately. It can be applied in various situations and cases because it is selected depending on the amount of bone required for grafting.


Autogenous block bone graft; Dental implant; Mandibular ramal bone graft; Vertical bone augmentation

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