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Occlusal Overload May Affect the Recovery of Peri-implant Bone: A Report of Two Cases

ÁöÁ¤±¸, À¯¹Ì°æ, ÃÖ¼ºÈ£, À̵¿¿î,
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ÁöÁ¤±¸ ( Ji Jung-Gu ) 
Veterans Health Service Medical Center Department of Periodontology

À¯¹Ì°æ ( Yoo Mi-Kyung ) 
Veterans Health Service Medical Center Department of Periodontology
ÃÖ¼ºÈ£ ( Choi Seong-Ho ) 
Yonsei University College of Dentistry Department of Periodontics
À̵¿¿î ( Lee Dong-Woon ) 
Veterans Health Service Medical Center Department of Periodontology


Peri-implantitis is an inflammatory process involving the sof t and hard tissues around an osseointegrated implant, characterized by bleeding, suppuration, pocket formation, and loss of supporting bone. The relationship between the resorption of the peri-implant supporting bone and traumatic occlusal forces remains unclear. We reviewed two cases of successful peri-implant bone recovery with improved clinical parameters after non-surgical and prosthetic treatment. This study demonstrates that long-term success of dental implants requires a multidisciplinary approach, including periodontal evaluation, maintenance of adequate oral hygiene, prosthodontic assessment, and optimal occlusion free from occlusal interferences and overload.


Multidisciplinary approach; Non-surgical therapy; Occlusion; Peri-implantitis

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