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Evaluation of Dental Implant Stability with or without Photoactivated Surface Treatment

ÇãÀ¯¸®, °­Àç¼®, ¼Õ¹Ì°æ,
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ÇãÀ¯¸® ( Heo Yu-Ri ) 
Chosun University School of Dentistry Department of Prosthodontics

°­Àç¼® ( Kang Jae-Seok ) 
Yedam Dental Hospital Department of Implant-Prosthodontics
¼Õ¹Ì°æ ( Son Mee-Kyung ) 
Chosun University School of Dentistry Department of Prosthodontics


Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the stability of two implant groups treated either only with sandblasting and acid etching or photoactivation after sandblasting and acid etching, using resonance frequency analysis (RFA).

Materials and Methods: We investigated 50 implants in 25 patients (12 men and 13 women). Twenty-five implants were treated with sandblasting and acid etching, and 25 with photoactivation. We recorded the implant stability quotient (ISQ) value on the day of implant placement and consecutively every 2 weeks for 16 weeks for each implant. RFA was used for the direct measurement of implant stability. We compared mean ISQ values using a repeated-measures analysis of variance test.

Results: The mean ISQ values at surgery and 16 weeks in implants treated only with sandblasting and acid etching were 77.8 ¡¾ 6.7 and 83.2 ¡¾ 2.5, respectively, while in those treated with further photoactivation were 78.9 ¡¾ 5.3 and 84.1 ¡¾ 3.3, respectively. The photoactivated implants showed higher ISQ values than those without photoactivated surface treatment. However, there were no significant differences between the two implant groups.

Conclusion: Both implant groups showed high implant stability in clinical practice. The photoactivated implant surface appears to have higher implant stability than that without photoactivation by increasing the hydrophilic surface.


Dental implants; Implant stability; Implant stability quotient; Osseointegration; Resonance frequency analysis

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