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The Clinical View of Immediate Implant Placement: Case Series

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ÀÌ»óâ ( Lee Sang-Chang ) 
Kyungpook National University School of Dentistry Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

ÃÖº¸À± ( Choi Bo-Yun ) 
BYseokgye Dental Clinic


Tooth loss is common and usually a result of disease or trauma. Therefore, the use of dental implants to replace missing teeth has a long history. Immediate implant placement is a common and acceptable clinical method. Immediate implant placement was introduced as a possible means to limit bone resorption and reduce the number of surgical procedures following tooth extraction. However, immediate implant placement is a challenging surgical procedure and requires proper case selection and surgical techniques. Furthermore, there is a lot of controversy regarding the case selection criteria for immediate implant placement. If the following conditions are present: complete debridement of inflammatory tissue, presence of bone for initial stability, and soft tissue control, immediate implant placement will be useful and successful in many cases. The purpose of this report is to illustrate the usability and various applications of immediate implants in several cases.


Bone graft; Immediate implant; Sinus lift

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