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Severe Maxillofacial Infection After Implant Crown Recementation: A Case Report

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±è¼º¿í ( Kim Sung-Ouk ) 
Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

¹Ú°ü¼ö ( Park Kwan-Soo ) 
Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Maxillofacial infections from odontogenic or non-odontogenic causes can extend to the fascial space, a potential space formed by the fascia. Although morbidity due to infection has been considerably reduced because of modern antibiotic therapy, it can be life-threatening when the infection invades the deep fascial space. There are various causes of infection in the maxillofacial region, mostly following odontogenic or invasive dental treatments. We report a case of severe infection of the fascial spaces and deep neck after non-invasive dental treatment involving recementation of the implant crown in a male in his 60s, with reporting on its causes and treatment options.


Deep neck; Emphysema; Fascia; Infection; Peri-Implantitis

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