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Modeling Compound to Rigidly Seal the Occlusal Window on Open Trays for Multi-unit Implant Impression

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À¯ÁøÁÖ ( Yoo Jin-Joo ) 
National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital Department of Prosthodontics

À±ÁØÈ£ ( Yoon Joon-Ho ) 
National Health Insurance Service Ilsan Hospital Department of Prosthodontics


Despite digitalization in dentistry, conventional impression techniques are still generally used for fabricating multi-unit implant prostheses. Among these techniques, the open-tray impression technique is known to be accurate. Open trays have occlusal windows to access impression coping, and the space might cause inaccurate impressions due to a lack of supporting structures. This technical report introduces a simple method to rigidly seal the occlusal window on open trays with type II modeling compounds.


Dental implant; Direct impression; Modeling compound; Open tray

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