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A Clinical Report of the Tooth-Implant Associated Double Crown Denture by Placing Additional Implants

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±èÁØ¿¬ ( Kim Jun-Yeon ) 
Kyungpook National University School of Dentistry Department of Prosthodontics

Á¶ÁøÇö ( Cho Jin-Hyun ) 
Kyungpook National University School of Dentistry Department of Prosthodontics


When partially edentulous patients are treated using removable partial dentures, the teeth used as abutments are critical for prosthesis success. However, for patients with few remaining teeth, the prognosis of such abutment teeth supporting the clasp of removable partial dentures is of concern. In contrast, several studies have reported the success of treatments using double-crown prostheses for patients with few remaining teeth as periodontally compromised teeth can be used as abutments for double-crown dentures even when their prognosis is doubtful for removable partial dentures with clasps. This provides more options for treatment planning for partially edentulous patients with few remaining teeth. In this study, the patient was treated using a conus double-crown denture, where the inner and outer crowns were fabricated using a gold alloy. After 12 years, a new prosthesis was planned due to loss of denture retention and extraction of an abutment tooth. For the new prosthesis, three additional implants were placed and the original abutment teeth with gold inner crowns, except for the one that was extracted, were maintained and were used as abutments for the new hybrid telescopic double crown denture using a friction pin method. Although the opposing arch had natural teeth and fixed prostheses, the patient adapted well after denture delivery and was overall satisfied.


Combined tooth/implant-supported removable prostheses; Dental implant; Double crown; Friction pin; Implant-borne restorations

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