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³»Ãø Á·ÀúºÎ °¨°¢ À¯¸®ÇÇÆÇÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ Á¶Á÷°á¼Õ Àç°Ç¼ú Clinical Application of Sensate Instep Free Flaps

´ëÇѹ̼¼¼ö¼úÇÐȸÁö 1994³â 3±Ç 1È£ p.54 ~ 63
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Pulp and palm of the hand and heel of the sole are anatomically unique. Satiafactory reconstruction of these areas presents the plastic surgeon with many challenges and requires durable and sensible skin coverage, minmal donor morbidity and
operative procedure.
We presents 7 clinical cases of sensate instep free flap transfer in this paper during the last 2 years. Three cases were soft tissue defects due to crushing and avulsion injury on the pulp of finger. 1 case was unstable scar and redundant flap
reconstruction of soft tissue defect due to avulsion injury on heel. Lastly, one case was chronic osteomyelitis with open wound on lateral malleolar area.
Follow-up period ranged from 3 months to 2 years. Through the whole follow-up period, all flaps were viable and durable to persistant stress or weight bearing and were sensible enough to porotect the recocstructed area from injuries and maintain
In conclusions, the instep free flap should be considered as a valuable tool in reconstruction of hand and extremity requiring durability and sensation


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