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Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA)ÀÇ ¾Ï¿¹¹æ È¿°ú Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA) as a Potential Chemopreventive Agent Naturally Occurring Fatty Acids from Ruminants

´ëÇѾϿ¹¹æÇÐȸÁö 1999³â 4±Ç 2È£ p.102 ~ 117
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Á¶ÁöÇö ( Jo Ji-Hyun ) 
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Conjugated dienoic derivative of linoleic acids (CLA) is a collective term which refers to a mixture of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid (LA; C18 : 2; n=6). It is also a naturally occurring substance in animal sources (beef, milk, cheese and dairy products). In the past two decades, CLA has been shown experimentally to inhibit rat mammary tumorigenesis, mouse forestomach neoplasia, and mouse skin carcinogenesis. An explosion of research has been demonstrated the importance of CLA in healthpromotion, e.g. as a dietary chemopreventive agent in addition to exhibiting anticatabolic and antiatherosclerotic properties. Such research may lead to the development of new high CLA-containing "funtional foods" designed for cancer chemoprevention. The role of CLA in energy/fuel metabolism and functions as an antioxidant need to be further explored. The question of whether the biological activity of CLA is mediated by activation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), some tissue-specific steroid hormone receptors, needs to be addressed. If the cancer protective efficacy of CLA can be characterized further and its mechanism of action delineated in the near future, there is a good possibility that a CLA-enriched food product may serve as a prototype of a new generation of designer foods. This approach may be particularly appealing to people who are unwilling to change their eating habits but still desire alternative food choices for cancer prevention. We have to explore the basic and applied research on the promotion of our health by reducing the risk of coronary heart disease, obesity, and cancer.


Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLA); Functional foods; Designer foods; Cancer chemoprevention

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