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DMBA·Î À¯¹ßÇÑ ÇܽºÅÍ Çù³¶¾Ð¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Å¬·Î·ÎÇʸ°ÀÇ ¾ïÁ¦ È¿°ú The Inhibition of DMBA-Induced Carcinogenesis by CHL in Hanster Buccal Pouch

´ëÇѾϿ¹¹æÇÐȸÁö 1999³â 4±Ç 3È£ p.127 ~ 135
ÀÌÁ¾¹Î, Á¤¿øÀ±, ¹Ú±¤±Õ,
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ÀÌÁ¾¹Î ( Lee Jong-Min ) 
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Á¤¿øÀ± ( Chung Won-Yoon ) 
¿¬¼¼´ëÇб³ Ä¡°ú´ëÇÐ ±¸°­»ý¹°Çб³½Ç
¹Ú±¤±Õ ( Park Kwang-Kyun ) 
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Chlorophyllin (CHL), a water-soluble derivative of chlorophyll, has been used for the treatment of several abnormal human conditions without apparent toxicity. Recent studies have revealed that CHL is antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic against various carcinogens in vitro and in vivo. In the present study, CHL exhibited dose-related inhibition of His + reversion in Salmonella typhimurium TA98 induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA). Formation of DNA adducts from DMBA was also attenuated in the presence of CHL. Topical application of CHL prior to the topical application of DMBA resulted in significant reduction in both in both incidence and multiplicity of tumors in hamster buccal pouch. These results suggest that CHL may act as a potential chemopreventive agent against oral cancer.


Chlorophyllin; DNA adduct; Antimutagenic activity; Anticarcinogenic activity

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