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ÖÕûùΦïï¿¡ Û¡ßæÇÏ´Â ðþåËòðü´ÀÇ êÀì×°ú çãÛÁ Etiology of Cancers Associated with Aging and Strategies for Cancer Prevention

´ëÇѾϿ¹¹æÇÐȸÁö 2000³â 5±Ç 1È£ p.39 ~ 49
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Life time health depends on both a priori and a posteriori factors, namely that of inherited genetic traits of individuals, and the sum of environmental exposure (inclusive of food, air, water, and any thing that our bodies are exposed during individual life time, etc.) from the time of conception and until death. It is now clearly understood that the age-related disease are due to a life-time dietary habits of an individual, environment in which individual¢¥s live, individual genetic polymorphism, and individual¢¥s life style. With the advancement of medical care and health awareness of individuals in affluent societies have increased aged-population and this increase in aged-population is in parallel with increased in incidence of cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular, atherosclerosis, cancer, senile dementia, Alzheimer¢¥s disease, and Creutzfeld-Jakob disease. For example, mortalities from cerebrovascular, cardiovascular disease, and cancers have been increasing for the past 30 years. Presently, worldwide cancer death is 6 million (WHO) in 1996 and in the U.S. alone all cancer death at present time is 540,000 (23.3% of total death). Likewise heart disease alone reach 900,000 (38% of total death). This review article presents a dietary strategy to prevents a dietary strategy to prevent age-related disease and presently how the U.S. Congress together with NIH and the U.S. FDA policies to reduce major public health problems in the United States.


Aging; Cancer prevention; Cancer etiology

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