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û±¹ÀåÀÇ ¾Ï¿¹¹æ ÁõÁø ¿¬±¸ 1. ´ëµÎ ¹× Starter Á¾·ù¿¡ µû¶ó Á¦Á¶µÈ û±¹ÀåÀÇ Ç×µ¹¿¬º¯ÀÌ È°¼ºÈ¿°ú Studies on Enhancing Chemopreventive Effect of Chugkookjangs 1. Antimutagenic Activity of Chungkookjangs Prepared with the Different Varieties of Soybean and Starter

´ëÇѾϿ¹¹æÇÐȸÁö 2001³â 6±Ç 1È£ p.36 ~ 43
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¹Ú°Ç¿µ ( Park Kun-Young ) 
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±ÇÀº¿µ ( Kwon Eun-Young ) 
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Á¤±Ù¿Á ( Jung Keun-Ok ) 
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Antimutagenic effects of chugkookjangs prepared with the different varieties of soybean and starter were studied against aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) using Ames test and N-methyl-N¡¯-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) using SOS chromotest. Chugkookjang samples exerted the different antimutagenicity according to the prepared variety of soybeans in the Ames test using Salmonella typhimurium TA100. The chugkookjang manufactured with var. Joonjuhri and Manrikong effectively reduced the mutagenicity induced by AFB1. The revertants of the S. typhimurium TA100 strain induced by AFB1 were not decreased when Hwangkeumkong- and US No. 1-used chugkookjangs were added to the test system. MNNG induced SOS response of the E. coli PQ37 was also blocked by chugkookjangs manufactured with var. Joonjuhri and Manrikong in the SOS chromotest. The chugkookjangs fermented with rice straw and starter cultures had the strong inhibitory effects on the mutagenicity induced by AFB1, while the chugkookjang prepared with inoculation-free method showed low inhibition rate in the Ames test. In the SOS chromotest, the patterns of antimutagenic effects were almost the same as shown in the Ames test system. The chugkookjangs fermented with rice straw and starter culture showed higher inhibitory effect than chugkookjang prepared with inoculation-free method. These results indicate that the variety of the soybeans and the starter of the chugkookjang differ the degrees of the antimutagenicity of the manufactured final chugkookjangs.


Variety of soybean; Starter; Chugkookjang; Antimutagenicity

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