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´ëÇѾϿ¹¹æÇÐȸÁö 2002³â 7±Ç 2È£ p.134 ~ 142
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Á¤±Ù¿Á ( Jung Keun-Ok ) 
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ÀÌ°­À± ( Lee Kang-Youn ) 
ÇÑ°æ´ëÇб³ ½ÄÇ°°øÇаú
À̼º°© ( Rhee Seong-Kap ) 
ÇÑ°æ´ëÇб³ ½ÄÇ°°øÇаú
¹Ú°Ç¿µ ( Park Kun-Young ) 
ºÎ»ê´ëÇб³ ½ÄÇ°¿µ¾çÇаú


There are several types of saIts, which Me classified into raw salt (Chunil salt, CS), purified salt (PS)and processed salts (Gueun salt, Bamboo saIt) in Korea. Gueun salt (GS) is made by baking CS in the ceramic vessel at 800¡ÆC. Bamboo salt(BS) is produced by baking CS, bamboo and mud in an oven at 1300¡ÆC. In this study, effects of these salts on tumor formation, NK(natural killer) cell activity and lipid peroxidation in kidney and heart were investigated in the sarcoma-18O cell transplanted mice. Sarcoma-18O cell transplanted subcutaneously into the left groin of Balb/c mice. Then, various kinds of salt, including l time treated KCl mixed BS-A (CS:KCl=3:7)and B (CS:KCl=5:5), supplemented diet at concentrations of10% were fed for 2l days from 24 hours fol1owmg transplantadon. The body weight decreased when I0% salt added diet was fed to the sarcoma-l80 cell treated Balb/c mice. The body weights of CS, PS and GS treated groups were lower than their initial weights (l9¡­2Og). Spleen and liver index were lower in the mice administered PS and GS than sarcoma-l8O ceIl treated control group. KCl mixed BS-A reduced tile tumor fonnation by 46% (36% inhibition/body weight) compared with the control group, resulting in the smallest tumor weight. The NK cell activity of splenocytes from the mice fed with PS and GS decreased compared to the controls while the effects of the KCl mixed BS-A and B on the NK cell activity in sarcoma-l80 cell treated mice were higher than that of the control group. KCl mixed BS-A and B reduced the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in the kidney and heart that increased by the injection of sarcoma-l8O cells. The feeding of PS in the diet increased the levels of MDA in the kidney and heart of sarcoma-l8O treated mice compared to the control group. These results exhibited that KC1 mixed BS could suppress the growth of tumors, increase NK cell activity and inhibit lipid peroxide production in the mice.


Salt(NaCl); Tumor; NK cell; Lipid peroxidation

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