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´ëÇѾϿ¹¹æÇÐȸÁö 2002³â 7±Ç 3È£ p.200 ~ 209
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±ÇÀº¿µ ( Kwon Eun-Young ) 
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Á¤±Ù¿Á ( Jung Keun-Ok ) 
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¹®¼÷Èñ ( Moon Suk-Hee ) 
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¹Ú°Ç¿µ ( Park Kun-Young ) 
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Antimutagenic effects of chungkookjang prepared with the different fermentation periods and ingredient ratio were studied against aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) using Ames test and N-methyl-N¡¯-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) using SOS chromotest. The fermented chungkookjang exhibited higher antimutagenic effect than raw soybeans or non-fermented chungkookjang in the Ames test using Salmonella typhimurium TA100. Three day-fermented chungkookjang showed the highest inhibitory effect on the mutagenicity induced by AFB1 among the chungkookjang samples. MNNG induced SOS response of the E. coli PQ37 was also blocked by fermented chungkookjang in the SOS chromotest; however, there was no difference on the antimutagenic activity according to the fermented days. The chungkookjang mixed with red pepper powder (RPP) and garlic had the strong inhibitory effects on the mutagenicity induced by AFB1, while only salt added chungkookjang showed low inhibition rate in the Ames test. The chungkookjang prepared with 1.1% RPP and 1.1% garlic showed the highest antimutagenic effect against MNNG in the SOS chromotest. The functional chungkookjang fermented with soybean variety of manrikong and B. licheniformis for 3 days at 40oC and mixed with 7.9% salt, 1.1% RPP and 1.1% garlic exerted higher antimutagenicity than the chungkookjangs prepared traditionally or by modified method in the Ames test. The functional chungkookjang showed similar inhibitory effect to doenjang on the SOS response induced by MNNG. These results indicate that fermentation periods and ingredient ratio as well as variety of soybean and starter culture differenciate the degrees of the antimutagenicity of the manufactured final chungkookjang.


Chungkookjang;Fermentation period;Ingredient ratio; Ames test;SOS chromotest

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