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Role of Relish, a Drosophila NF-¥êB Protein, in Response to UV Irradiation

´ëÇѾϿ¹¹æÇÐȸÁö 2004³â 9±Ç 4È£ p.237 ~ 243
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±è¿µ½Å ( Kim Young-Shin ) 
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¾çµ¿Áø ( Yang Dong-Jin ) 
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³²ÇõÁø ( Nam Hyuck-Jin ) 
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¹Ú¼Ò¿µ ( Park So-Young ) 
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±èº´±â ( Kim Byeong-Gee ) 
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À¯¹Ì¾Ö ( Yoo Mi-Ae ) 
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NF-¥êB has emerged as a central component of the cellular signaling machinery that serves as an important regulatory role in inflammation, immunity, and oncogenesis. During UV exposure, a positive correlation between NF-¥êB/Rel activation and its translocation to the nucleus, and phosphorylation and degradation of I-¥êB protein have been known in mammal. While the mechanisms involved in NF-¥êB activation upon inflammatory response are well documented both in flies and mammals, little is known that Drosophila NF-¥êB plays any functional roles in UV irradiation. In this study, using a null mutant of Relish, Drosophila NF-¥êB, we investigated a role of Drosophila NF-¥êB in response to UV irradiation. We found UV-induced NF-¥êB activation through gel mobility shift assay with the ¥êB binding sequences of defensin promoter region. Relish null mutant larvae were more sensitive to UV-induced pigmentation, immunosuppression and apoptosis of hemocytes than wild-type. These results suggest that Drosophila NF-¥êB protein is involved in immune response and serves as an anti-apoptosis factor against UV irradiation.



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