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Background/Aims : Intestinal Behcet's disease often has a serious course. However,
barium enema or endoscopic examination shows nonspecific ulcers simulating other
inflammatory disease, especially Crohn's disease. The purpose of this study was to
identify radiologic findings which are useful to differentiate intestinal Behfet's disease
from Crohn's disease.
Methods : From January 1990 to July 1996, we experienced 14 cases of intestinal
Behfet's disease and 18 cases of Crohn's disease. All the cases were confirmed by
biopsy or surgery. We retrospectively reviewed the patients radiologic findings such as
the sites of disease, presence of ulcer and shape, number and depth of ulcer on
barium enema.
Results : The involved sites of both disease were mostly near ileocecal area. In
Behfet's disease, the lesion characteristically crossed the ileocecal valve (50%) and
usually involved single site of intestine. In Crohn's disease, skipped lesions were
frequently observed (50%). The most common feature in Behfet's disease was the
presence of ulcer The shape of ulcer was geographic in 9 cases and irregular in 10
cases. In Crohn's disease fissuring ulcer (2), cobble stone shaped mucosa (6), stenosis
(10), fistula (1) were more ofter found than in Behcet's disease.
Conclusions : Characteristic findings of Behcet's disease on barium enema are
geographic ulcer that tends to cross ileocecal valve. The diagnosis of Crohn's disease
can be considered when cobble stone shaped mucosal change, fistula, stenosis with
skipped lesions are observed.


º£Ã¼Æ®º´; Å©·Ðº´; ´ëÀå ¹Ù·ýÁ¶¿µ¼ú; Behfet's disease; Crohn's disease; Barium enema;

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