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°í·ÉÀÚ ±Þ¼º ÃéÀå¿°ÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû °íÂû Acute Pancreatitis in Elderly Patients

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Background/Aims : Inflammatory diseases of the pancreas are not uncommon. The
advanced age is one of the significant factors in assessing the severity of acute
pancreatitis. It has been shown that the biliary tract disease is a more frequent cause of
acute pancreatitis in the elderly than in the young. With the increased life span, the
elderly are comprising a large proportion of the population. As a result, physicians are
more often being faced with acute pancreatitis in the elderly. The purpose of this study
was to evaluate clinical features of acute pancreatitis in the elderly.
Methods : A total of 188 patients with acute pancreatitis were reviewed. We
investigated the differences of clinical characteristics between the elderly patients aged
over 60 and the young patients aged under 60.
Results : The sex distribution showed male preponderance in the young patients
(M:F=2.4: 1), but was nearly equal in the elderly patients (M:F= 1.1:1). The most
common cause of acute pancreatitis in the elderly was biliary tract disease (52.5%),
while alcohol abuse was the most common cause in the young patients (38.8%). Local
complications of acute pancreatitis, such as psuedocyst, necrosis, abscesses were not
differently shown between the elderly (16.9%) and the young (20.2%) patients. Systemic
complications including acute pulmonary failure occurred more frequently iii the elderly
patients than the young patients. The mortality rate of the elderly patients (5.1%) was
not significantly different from that of the young patients (3.1%).
Conclusions : To detect correctable underlying biliary tract diseases the elderly
patients with acute pancreatitis should be completely investigated using endoscopic
retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). In addition, the patient should be closely
monitored for the development of the systemic complications during the disease process.


±Þ¼º ÃéÀå¿°; ¿¬·É; ¿¹ÈÄ; Acute pancreatitis; Elderly; ERCP; Gallstone pancreatitis;

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