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Background/Aims : Recent reports have recommended early cholecystectomy under
antibiotic prophylaxis as the management for the patients with acute cholecystitis, since
it has been superior to delayed surgery in several prospective trials. The present
randomized study was undertaken to elucidate the applicability of emergency surgery for
acute cholecystitis comparing with early surgery.
Methods : The present study was carried out for two groups of patients who were
treated in the Department of Surgery, Masan Samsung Hospital, between January 1993
and December 1996. The group I (n=80) included patients who were treated by
emergency cholecystectomy while the group ¥± (n=70) included patients who were
managed by early cholecystectomy.
Results : There was no difference in the incidence of technical difficulty measured by
complications and duration of operations between the two groups. There was no
mortality in both groups. Postoperative morbidity was 8.8% in the emergency group and
7.1% in the early surgery group (p>0.05). In addition, emergency surgery reduced the
total hospital stay by average 5.2 days.
Conclusions : We recommend emergency cholecystectgmy during the acute stage of
cholecystitis because as it is safe, effective and economical when it is provided by an
experienced surgeon.


±Þ¼º ´ã³¶¿°; ÀÀ±Þ ´ã³¶ÀýÁ¦¼ú; Á¶±â ´ã³¶ ÀýÁ¦¼ú; Acute cholecystitis; Emergency cholecystectomy; Early cholecystectomy;

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