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Background/Aims : The gastric cancer is highly prevalent in Korea, and it is the most
common primary cancer metastatic to the ovary (Krukenberg tumor). We analyzed the
clinical, endoscopic, and histologic features of the gastric cancer metastatic to the ovary.
Methods : We retrospectively reviewed 11 patients with gastric cancer metastatic to
the ovary. They were admitted in Pusan National University Hospital from 1991 to 1997.
Results : The mean age of the patients was 38.2 years. The primary gastric cancer
was located on the body in 5 cases, both on body and cardia in 2 cases, both on body
and antrum in 2 cases, and on antrum in 2 cases. In 5 cases, the gross appearance of
the gastric cancer was Borrmann type 3 and that of the remaining 6 cases was
Borrmann type 4. In 7 cases, the histologic features was poorly differentiated
adenocarcinoma and in 4 cases, it was signet ring cell carcinoma. According to Lauren
classification, 9 cases showed diffuse type and 2 cases were intestinal type.
Conclusions : The primary gastric cancer metastatic to the ovary was characterized by
young age, gastric body in location, and diffuse and poorly differentiated type in
histology. Thus, it is important in younger patients with gastric cancer to examine
ovary as a metastatic organ.


À§¾Ï; ³­¼Ò; Å©·çÄ˹ö±× Á¾¾ç; Gastric cancer; Ovary; Krukenberg tumor;

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