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Itopride°¡ Á¤»ó ¼ºÀο¡¼­ »óºÎ À§±äÀåµµ¿Í À§°¨°¢´É¿¡ ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿µÇâ The Effect of Itopride on Proximal Gastric Tone and Visceral Perception in Healthy Human

´ëÇѼÒÈ­±âÇÐȸÁö 2000³â 36±Ç 3È£ p.293 ~ 301
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ÃÖ¸í±Ô/Myung Gyu Choi Ãß±³¿µ/±èº´¿í/ÃÖȲ/¹Ú¼öÇå/¿ÀÁ¤È¯/ÇѼ®¿ø/±èÀ籤/Á¤ÀνÄ/Á¤±Ô¿ø/¼±Èñ½Ä/Kyo Young Choo/Byung Wook Kim/Hwang Choi/Soo Heon Park/Jung Hwan Oh/Suk Won Han/Jae Kwang Kim/In Sik Chung/Kyu Won Chung/Hee Sik Sun


kabstract :
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¸ñÀû : Itopride´Â À§Àå°üÀÇ dopamine 2 ¼ö¿ëü¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ±æÇ×ÀÛ¿ë°ú ºÎ±³°¨½Å°æÀÇ
acetylcholine esterase ÀúÇØÀÛ¿ëÀ» °¡Áö°í ÀÖ´Â ¾àÁ¦ÀÌ´Ù. º» ¿¬±¸´Â itopride°¡ Á¤»ó ¼ºÀο¡
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¹ý : 15¸íÀÇ °Ç°­ÇÑ Áö¿øÀÚ¸¦ ´ë»óÀ¸·Î À§¾àÀ̳ª itopride (200 mg tid) µÎ °¡Áö ¾à¹° Áß ÇÑ
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ÇÏ¿´À¸¸ç 7ÀÏ°£ÀÇ °£°ÝÀ» µÎ¾ú´Ù. »óºÎ À§¿¡ ÃÖ´ë¿ëÀû 1,200 mlÀÇ Ç³¼±ÀÌ ºÎÂøµÈ °¨»ç°üÀ»
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ÇÏ¿´´Ù. À§°¨°¢´ÉÀº ÃÖ¼Ò À§³»ÆØâ¾Ð·Â(minimal intragastric distending pressure; MDP) º¸
´Ù 4, 8, 12 mmHg ³ôÀº 3°¡Áö ÆØâÀÚ±ØÀ» ¹«ÀÛÀ§ ¼øÀ¸·Î ÁÖ¾î ÇÇÇèÀÚ°¡ ´À³¢´Â °¨°¢À» ½Ã
°¢Àû ¼±Çüôµµ¿¡ ±â·ÏÇÏ°Ô ÇÏ¿© Æò°¡ÇÏ¿´´Ù. °á°ú : ItoprideÅõ¿© ÈÄÀÇ À§ÆØâµµ´Â À§¾à Åõ¿©
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°¡ ¾ø¾úÁö¸¸ itopride Åõ¿© ÈÄ¿¡ ½Ä»ç ÈÄÀÇ À§¿ëÀûÀÌ À§¾à¿¡ ºñÇØ ÇöÀúÈ÷ Áõ°¡ÇÏ¿´´Ù.
Itopride Åõ¿©´Â 3°¡Áö ÆØâÀڱؿ¡ ´ëÇÑ À§°¨°¢Á¡¼ö¸¦ º¯È­½ÃÅ°Áö ¾Ê¾Ò´Ù. °á·Ð : Itopride´Â
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Background/Aims : Itopride is a newly developed prokinetic agent and has
antidopaminergic and anti-acetylcholine esterase activities. Our aim was to evaluate the
effect of itopride on proximal gastric tone and visceral perception. Methods : Fifteen
healthy subjects participated in two experiments with 7 days interval. Randomized
double blinded cross-over design with 3 days pretreatment of placebo or itopride was
followed by itopride or placebo treatment. After overnight fasting, itopride was given
prior to barostat study. Sensory function was assessed by scoring the perception for
nausea, fullness, and abdominal discomfort/pain during random-order distensions of 4, 8,
and 12 mmHg above minimal intragastric distending pressure (MDP). Effect of
distensions was studied three times. Results : Compliance was not different after
pretreatment of itopride or placebo. Itopride has no effect on visceral perception at MDP
£«4 mmHg (92.5¡¾45.3 vs. 79.1¡¾30.2), 8 mmHg ( 117.7¡¾41.1 vs. 118.9¡¾41.5) and at
MDP£«1 mmHg (159.8£«43.9 vs. 149.9£«53.5). MDP and fasting tone were not different
between the two experimental groups. After itopride pretreatment, significantly increased
intragastric volume were recorded in 60 min postprandial period (p<0.05). Conclusions :
Itopride enhances the gastric accommodation to meal. This observation suggests that
itopride may provide benefits to patients with impaired postprandial relaxation of
proximal stomach.


À§ÀûÀÀ; ÀÌÅäÇÁ¸®µå; ¹Ù·Î½ºÅ¸Æ®; À§°¨°¢´É; Gastric accommodation; Itopride; Barostat; Gastric perception;

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