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°£¼¼Æ÷¾Ï ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ °æ°£µ¿¸ÆÈ­ÇлöÀü¼ú ÈÄ Ç÷Àå Insulin-Like Growth Factor-IIÀÇ º¯È­¿Í ÀüÀÌ¿ÍÀÇ ¿¬°ü¼º Increasing Plasma Insulin-Like Growth Factor II Levels are Associated with Metastasis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Following Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization

´ëÇѼÒÈ­±âÇÐȸÁö 2000³â 36±Ç 3È£ p.361 ~ 371
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1¼Ûº´Ã¶/1Byung Chol Song 1Á¤¿µÈ­/1±èÁ¤¾Æ/1¾ç¼öÇö/1ÀÌÇÑÁÖ/1ÀÌ¿µ»ó/1¼­µ¿Áø/2À±Çö±â/2¼º±Ôº¸/3Á¤¼º¾Ö/3À¯±Ç/1Young Hwa Chung/1Jung A Kim/1Soo Hyun Yang/1Han Chu Lee/1Young Sang Lee/1Dong Jin Suh/2Hyun Ki Yoon/2Kyu Bo Sung/3Sung Ae Jung/3Kwon Yoo


kabstract :
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¸ñÀû : °æ°£µ¿¸ÆÈ­ÇлöÀü¼ú(transcatheter arterial chemoembolization; TACE)Àº °£¼¼Æ÷¾Ï¿¡
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Àº insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II)ÀÇ °ú¹ßÇöÀ» À¯µµÇÏ¿© °£¼¼Æ÷¾ÏÀÇ ¼ºÀåÀ» ÃËÁøÇÑ
´Ù°í ¾Ë·ÁÁ® ÀÖ´Ù. º» ¿¬±¸´Â °£¼¼Æ÷¾Ï ȯÀÚ¿¡¼­ TACE ÈÄ Ç÷Àå IGF-IIÀÇ º¯È­¿Í °£¼¼Æ÷¾Ï
ÀÇ ÁøÇà, ƯÈ÷ °£³» ȤÀº °£¿Ü ÀüÀÌ¿ÍÀÇ »ó°ü¼ºÀ» ÀüÇâÀûÀ¸·Î ºÐ¼®ÇÏ°íÀÚ ÇÏ¿´´Ù. ´ë»ó ¹×
¹æ¹ý : TACE¸¦ ½ÃÇà¹ÞÀº 46¿¹ÀÇ °£¼¼Æ÷¾ÏȯÀÚ¸¦ ´ë»óÀ¸·Î ½Ã¼ú Àü°ú ½Ã¼ú 4ÁÖ ÈÄÀÇ Ç÷Àå
IGF-IIÀÇ ¾çÀ» ÃøÁ¤ÇÏ¿´°í, TACE 3°³¿ù ÈÄ¿¡ °£³» ȤÀº °£¿Ü ÀüÀÌ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ Æò°¡¸¦ ÇÏ¿´´Ù.
°á°ú : 46¿¹ÀÇ È¯ÀÚ Áß Ç÷Àå IGF-II´Â 13¿¹¿¡¼­ Ä¡·á Àüº¸´Ù 20% ÀÌ»ó °¨¼ÒÇÏ¿´°í(I±º), 18
¿¹¿¡¼­´Â 20% À̳» º¯È­ÇÏ¿´À¸¸ç(II±º), 15¿¡´Â 20% ÀÌ»ó Áõ°¡ÇÏ¿´´Ù(III±º). Ç÷Àå IGF-II´Â
Á¾¾çÀÌ Å« °æ¿ì, Ç÷û AFPÀÌ ³ôÀº °æ¿ì ±×¸®°í ¸®ÇÇ¿Àµ¹ ħÂøÀÌ ºÒ±ÕÀÏÇÑ °æ¿ì Áõ°¡ÇÏ¿´
´Ù. III±ºÀÇ 8¿¹(60%)¿¡¼­ TACE 3°³¿ù ÈÄ¿¡ ÀüÀÌ°¡ ¹ß»ýÇÑ ¹Ý¸é, II±º¿¡´Â 3¿¹(17%)¿¡¼­ Àü
ÀÌ°¡ ¹ß»ýÇÏ¿´°í, I±º¿¡¼­´Â ÀüÀÌ¿¹°¡ ¾ø¾ú´Ù(P=0.001). Ç÷Àå IGF-IIÀÇ º¯È­ ¿Ü¿¡µµ TACEÈÄ
ÀüÀÌ¿Í °ü·ÃµÈ º¯¼ö´Â Child-Pugh class, Á¾¾çÀÇ Å©±â, Á¾¾çÀÇ ÇüÅÂ, Ç÷û, AFPÄ¡ ±×¸®°í
¸®ÇÇ¿Àµ¹ ħÂø ÇüÅ¿´´Ù. ´Ùº¯·® ºÐ¼®¿¡¼­´Â Child-Pugh Á¡¼ö°¡ ³ôÀº °æ¿ì, ±×¸®°í Ç÷Àå
IGF-II°¡ Áõ°¡ÇÏ´Â °æ¿ì(III±º)°¡ ÀüÀÌÀÇ µ¶¸³ÀûÀÎ À§ÇèÀÎÀÚ¿´´Ù. °á·Ð : TACE ÈÄ Ç÷Àå
IGF-IIÀÇ Áõ°¡´Â ƯÈ÷ Á¾¾çÀÌ Å©°í Ç÷û APFÄ¡°¡ ³ôÀº °£¼¼Æ÷¾Ï¿¡¼­ ÈçÇϸç TACEÈÄ Ç÷Àå
IGF-IIÀÇ Áõ°¡´Â °£¼¼Æ÷¾ÏÀÇ °£³» ȤÀº °£¿Ü ÀüÀÌ¿Í ¿¬°ü¼ºÀÌ ÀÖÀ½ÀÌ ½Ã»çµÈ´Ù.

Background/Aims : Hypoxia upregulates insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II) and thus,
stimulates the growth of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells. We evaluated
prospectively the changes of plasma IGF-II levels in HCC patients following
transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE), which usually gives hypoxic insults to
liver tissue. We also evaluated the association between the changes of plasma IGF-II
levels following TACE and the progression of HCC, especially in relation to metastasis.
Methods : Plasma IGF-II levels were measured before and 4 weeks after TACE in 46
patients with HCC. Three months following TACE, plasma IGF-II levels of the patients
were evaluated for the presence of metastases. Results : In 13 of the 46 subjects,
plasma IGF-II levels were decreased more than 20% (Group I); those of 18 patients
were changed within 20% (Group II) and those of 15 were increased more than 20%
(Group III). Plasma IGF-II levels tended to be increased in patients with large-sized
tumors, high serum AFP levels and heterogeneous uptake of Lipiodol. In 8 patients
(60%) of Group III, metastatic foci were observed, in contrast to 3 patients (17%) of
Group II and none of Group I (p=0.001). In multivariate analysis, high Child-Pugh score
and the increasing plasma IGF-II levels were independent risk factors for metastasis.
Conclusions : it is suggested that increased plasma IGF-II levels which is common in
patients with large-sized tumors and high serum AFP levels, might be closely
associated with the metastasis of HCC following TACE.


°£¼¼Æ÷¾Ï; °æ°£µ¿¸ÆÈ­ÇлöÀü¼ú; Insulin-like growth factor-II; ÀüÀÌ; Hepatocellular carcinoma; Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization; Insulin-like growth factor II; Metastasis;

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