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Background/Aims : Gallstone pancreatitis has been classically treated by cholecystectomy
to prevent recurrence of pancreatitis. However, for patients whose condition is not
suitable to operation, endoscopic sphincterotomy (EST) without cholecystectomy was
recently performed. Thus, we analyzed the result of EST without cholecystectomy in
patients with gallstone pancreatitis and evaluated its clinical usefulness. Methods:
Seventeen patients who were diagnosed as gallstone pancreatitis from January 1997 to
January 2000 and treated by EST without cholecystectomy because of difficulties in
operation were enrolled in this study. The patients were followed up by visiting
outpatient department of interview by telephone. Results : The mean age was 64.4 years
and the mean duration of follow-up was 15.5 months. According to modified Glasgow
criteria, the disease status of 14 patients were mild and the other 3 patients were
severe. The site of gallstones were gallbladder in 6 patients, common bile duce (CBD)
in 2, and both in 6. Success rate of stone removal in CBD was 100%(11/11) and
EST-related complication rate was 6%(1/11). During the follow-up period, there were no
pancreatobiliary diseases. Conclusions : EST without cholecystectomy is a safe and
useful therapeutic modality in patients with gallstone pancreatitis who had difficulties in


Gallstone pancreatitis; Treatment; EST; Gallbladder;

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